Decorating Home by Using Friluftsliv Style

Bringing the Outdoors In: Decorating Your Home with Friluftsliv.

The Danish word ‘Friluftsliv’ translates roughly to ‘free air life,’ encapsulating a philosophy of connecting with nature for wellbeing and happiness. This concept is more than just a hobby; it’s a lifestyle that’s influencing interior design trends, creating a sense of peace and tranquility within our homes.

Embracing Nature’s Simplicity.

Friluftsliv is about embracing the simplicity of nature, bringing the beauty of the outdoors into your home. This style doesn’t aim for a perfect, pristine look, but rather a welcoming, lived-in feel. Think cozy textures, rustic elements, and natural materials.

Key Elements of Friluftsliv Decor.

  • Earthy Color Palettes: Think calming hues like greens, browns, blues, and creams. These colors evoke a sense of tranquility and connect you to the natural world.
  • Natural Materials: Wood, stone, leather, and linen dominate Friluftsliv interiors. Opt for furniture with natural wood finishes, add woven baskets and throws, and incorporate stone accents for a touch of earthiness.
  • Plenty of Light: Natural light is crucial to Friluftsliv. Utilize large windows, light-colored walls, and strategically placed mirrors to maximize sunlight exposure.
  • Rustic Touches: Incorporate elements that evoke the outdoors, such as driftwood, branches, and dried flowers. These details add rustic charm and a connection to nature.
  • Comfort & Function: Friluftsliv prioritizes comfort and functionality. Choose furniture that’s comfortable and inviting, and prioritize practical storage solutions.
  • Minimalism: Friluftsliv isn’t about clutter. Embrace a minimalist approach, focusing on quality items that serve a purpose and bring joy.

Bringing Friluftsliv to Life in Your Home.

  • Embrace a Neutral Base: Begin with a neutral backdrop of natural materials and muted colors. This creates a peaceful foundation for your design.
  • Add Pops of Nature: Introduce elements that bring the outdoors in, like potted plants, woven rugs, and nature-inspired artwork.
  • Create a Cozy Corner: Design a dedicated reading or relaxation area with comfortable seating, soft throws, and a view of nature.
  • Don’t Be Afraid of Imperfection: Embrace the charm of natural materials, like distressed wood or weathered stone. These imperfections add character and a sense of authenticity.

More Than Just a Trend.

Friluftsliv is more than just a decorating style; it’s a philosophy that encourages us to reconnect with nature and experience its calming effects. By incorporating these elements into your home, you’ll create a space that promotes tranquility and wellbeing, allowing you to truly enjoy the beauty of life, both indoors and out.

Products in the photos: Fritz Hansen furniture collection, available on request on LOMUARREDI

If you liked my blog post “Decorating Home by Using Friluftsliv Style” have also a look at Hygge Interiors with Textile Folding Doors

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I’m Jane, the creator and author behind this blog. I’m a minimalist and simple living enthusiast who has dedicated her life to living with less and finding joy in the simple things.

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